The Vape pen private label expert supplier for cannabis product.
Relaxo vape had start at years 2012. When at years of 2011, Our CEO James is a heavy smoker at then, at he feel upset because too much cigarette smoke every day. His wife feeling worry about this too. And a happen chance a she got a ecigarette kits, She give it to James. after james try it WOW,just feeling a super comfortable what never happened feeling before. So james just got huge interesting in vape product.
After doing a lot of research, James decide Start doing somethings for vape career to help more peoples to reduce the hurt of the cigarette.
After long time develop, we find out the weeds oil vaping is more health to peoples. so we are doing more and more for weeds vaping industry.
Right now we have over
20 R&D Engineer
40+ QC Engineer
300+ skilled Worker
5 Artwork designer.
Right now, Relaxo have powerful ability to develop high quality Vape product to meet customer various inquiry. We keep over 200 + pantent about vape pen product design and function features.
And keep well cooperation partner relations with over 96 customer they are from US UK and Europe, We had develop different customized production for different customer help them get great response from their customers.
We are open and friendly to cooperation. Welcome you can be our next value customer. We would love to help you build unique product to help you doing more good score.